



Hello everyone How can I copy the information of a record from a master/detail clientdataset to a new record or to an existing one.

For example I want to copy te data of invoice No. 100 to Invoice No. 150 or the information of invoice No. 100 to a new Invoice

With IBX I did that with storedprocedures but I am running into trouble with clientdataset with 'lock conflict on no wait transaction' when I apply the updates, i think its becasue the information is already on the server side.

Thanks in advance


'Lock conflic on no wait transaction'?

AFAIR, it's an Interbase/Firebird error. It could mean that other connection modified the record and still doesn't committed yet....

UPDATE: Other things that came to mind:

  • Have you revised your DBX connection configuration? If you don't know/ignore what CommitRetaining is/do, make sure it's configured to FALSE. Otherwise, other problems will arise...

  • On Firebird/Interbase, you can only commit/rollback from Client application. SPs have no business with transaction control.

Fabricio Araujo
Thanks a lot.Question, can I commit a storedprocedure?
Alejandro Jourdan
I think that was it!! Thank you very very muchI put Commitretain = false on params of the sqlconection and everything seems to work ok now, there is a lot to learn. Anything else I should put on that connection params to smooth things out?
Alejandro Jourdan
From mind, no. But you can ease us in helping if you providing: RDBMS Name/Version/Edition (Examples: Firebird 2.1.1, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, etc), IDE (delphi - you provided), IDE version (2010), and the library you're using (dbexpress - you provided).If I doesn't knew the error message from mind and supposed you are Interbase/Firebird as backend this question would take much more time to get an answer.
Fabricio Araujo
And you are using what as backend: Firebird or Interbase?
Fabricio Araujo
It is Firebird 2.1 with dbexpress firebird driver from Chau Chee-Yang (, delphi 2010 Thanks a lot
Alejandro Jourdan
You're using D2010, Professional Edition, right? ( I imagine, since if it was Enterprise you would use the official Fb driver)...
Fabricio Araujo
Thats right it is Professional Edition
Alejandro Jourdan