




If I unput a certain piece html into my page, it seems to be truncating:

<div id="slideshow">    
    <img style="cursor: pointer;" src="files:img/slideshow/3.png" id="left_slide" alt=""/>    
    <img style="cursor: pointer;" src="files:img/slideshow/1.png" id="center_slide" alt=""/>    
    <img style="cursor: pointer;" src="files:img/slideshow/2.png" id="right_slide" alt=""/>    

It all looks good in the preview, but when I save it it becomes:

<div id="slideshow">
   <img style="cursor: pointer;" src="http://local.drupal.com/sites/default/files/img/slideshow/3.png" id="left_slide" alt="" />

I'm at a loss! I'm not using any nasty WYSIWYG editors and the input format is full html. The second code example indicates that I'm using the path filter module but I've also tried disabling that and resaving. It still truncates.

I'm using Drupal 6.19.

+2  A: 

You certainly print the teaser only.

To publish to the front page the complete node Go to Administer > Content Management > Post Settings > Choose 'unlimited' from the 'length of trimmed post' select box.

You can also manually controlling the teaser break point by inserting:


If you use a views you can control if you want to show the complete node or the teaser in the settings of the view.

brilliant, thanks!