



I want to create this TableLayoutPanel (C# in WinForms - programatically created at runtime!)

|   01.01.2010 01:00   |   01.01.2010 01:00   |   01.01.2010 01:00    |
|   Some text       |  More            | And         | Final text     |
|   (Multilined)    |  multilined      | more text   | Multiple lines,|
|                   |  text            |             | too            |

But currently it lookes more like this

| 01.01.2010 01:00 | 01.01.2010 01:00 | 01.01.2010 01:00              |
| Some text    | More       | And       | Final text                  |
| (Multilined) | multilined | more text | Multiple lines,             |
|              | text       |           | too                         |

How can I achieve the layout above - meaning, the columns' width is adjusted to fit the whole table equally - but if a column needs more space, it can resize itself to the preferred size?


Set the column Size Type to Percent instead of Absolute. Select the panel, click the little arrow glyph in the upper right corner, Edit Rows and Columns.

Hans Passant
I create the table at runtime, so I can't use the WinForm Designer. See ->
Well, start another project, drop a TLP on the form and format it. Look at the generated code in the Designer.cs file and reproduce that in your own code.
Hans Passant