I'm a .NET CF developer trying to move to QT/CE. I'm trying to port one of my app written in .NET CF to QT/CE targeted run on Windows Embedded CE 6.0 GPS made by China. I don't have access to original SDK (china manufacturers don't provide them) so, as QT mailing lists suggested, I used Windows CE 5.0 Standard SDK as my option. Here is my config
configure -platform win32-msvc2008 -xplatform wince50standard-armv4i-msvc2008 -release -static -fast -nomake docs -nomake demos -nomake examples
The QT compilation process goes well, I created new project in VS2008 and tried to run it on the device but I faced an error in VS "Error Unable to Start Program. Cannot find..." I go to device's Program Files and I can see the project folder and inside it, I can see, project.exe and msvcr90.dll. However, when I double-click project.exe nothing happens. I right clicked the project.exe and select open, nothing happens.
Could anyone help me what's going on with my problems?