I've been a developer all my life, and my brain works in ways that make sense to a developer.
I'm interested in creating tangible, physical items using electronic circuits. I'm finding the following problems with much of the material I find:
I can learn all about the physical nature of capacitors, resistors, etc., but I'm lacking the insightful connections that would let me create my own higher-order device, such as a radio.
A lot of the things I take for granted as programmer seem difficult in electronics. For example, it's not immediately obvious how I would create a For loop electronically. I don't know how to create a circuit that can create or use a data signal (essentially, a struct. Example: "Current weather: wind=10 knots, temperature=30, humidity=20%"). I want to protect against a remote signal not being detected by a sensor.
What are some great resources for a developer to learn about electronic circuits?