Hi All,
What are the best practices for working with Sql server Xml columns to ensure quick performance and also ease of reporting?
How do you set up the column? do you leave it as untyped? or associate it with a schema?
Does associating the xml column with a schema improve query performance?
Our use of xml columns is as follows:
A.> On a PER customer basis we can define flexible storage of their data without overhauling our db.
B.> We need to build reporting views for each customer which returns their data as if it was a simple table (for crystal reports or Sql Server Reporting Services).
The syntax we currently use to query is as follows:
doc.value('@associatedId','nvarchar(40)') as AssocId,
doc.value('@name1', 'nvarchar(255)') as Name1,
doc.value('@name2', 'nvarchar(255)') as Name2,
doc.value('@name3', 'nvarchar(255)') as Name3,
doc.value('@number', 'nvarchar(255)') as Number
From OrderDetails
CROSS APPLY OrderDetails.XmlData.nodes('//root/reviewers/reviewer') as XmlTable(doc)
Is there a quicker way to do this? this query runs slowly for us in a table with 1million records, but only 800 currently have xml data!