



I am wanting to allow access to a C# Webpage to only members in an Active Directory group. Can someone please point me in this direction or assist in anyway?

Thanks in advance


There exist multiple approaches to this.

Imperatively, you can check Page.User.IsInRole(@"domain\group"), and redirect away, send a 401 response, or throw an exception if the user should not have access.

Declaratively, you can control permissions in your web.config:

+1  A: 

You can query AD to see what groups a user belongs to.

This is a great resource:

Something like this should work too:

using System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory;
using System.DirectoryServices;
public bool IsUserInGroup(string group, string user)
    string DomainName="";
    string ADUsername="";
    string ADPassword="";

    DirectoryEntry entry=new DirectoryEntry(LDAPConnectionString, ADUsername, ADPassword);
    DirectorySearcher dSearch=new DirectorySearcher(entry);
    dSearch.Filter="(&(objectClass=user)(userPrincipalName=" + user + ")";

    foreach(SearchResult sResultSet in dSearch.FindAll())
        string strGroupList=GetProperty(sResultSet, "memberOf");
        if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strGroupList) && strGroupList.IndexOf(group)>-1)
            return true;
    return false;

I didn't have time to check this or even compile, so I apologize in advance for any error. The if in the foreach might not be sufficient. There also may be a more efficient way to do the query, but this was what I could come up with quickly.

Is this not a query to pull users from AD to discover the group? I am looking to grant access to a website via the group. If you are in group1 you can view but if not then you get directed to a page stating no access.
Yes. Use this code to check if the user belongs to a specific group and either grant or deny access based on the response. Am I misunderstanding you're question?if(IsUserInGroup('group','user') [show page] else [redirect to no access page]