For context: this is an HTML app, with little or no browser side JavaScript. I can't easily change that so need to do this on the server.
CouchDB is built to not have side effects. This is fair enough. But there seems to be no method that i can conceive of with shows, views, lists to change what is shown to a user with subsequent requests, or based on user objects, without writing data.
And can a get request for document result in the creation of a new record? Im guessing not as that would be a side effect.
But if you can, you could just create a log and then have a view that picks an advert firm a set of documents describing adverts which is affected by the change in the log when a previous ad was shown.
I'm not actually going to show adverts on my site, I'm going to have tips, and article summaries and minor features that vary from page load to page load.
Any suggestions appreciated.
I've wrapped my head around how to work with the grain for the rest of the functionality I need, but this bit seems contrary to the way couchdb works.