



I have a product object that contains 2 collections, accessories and consumers. Consumers relates to an accessory, the list of products that consume it. In the database I have a many to many relationship for these collections that is implemented as a linking table Product_Accessory. In mapping I have created a many to many one way for the accessories and the other way for consumers :

        mapping.HasManyToMany<oProduct>(x => x.Accessories)

        mapping.HasManyToMany<oProduct>(x => x.Consumers)

This all seems very logical but nHibernate is giving me an error of Found shared references to a collection because there are two lists of products.

Is this pattern possible using nHibernate? What is the best way to achieve this?




I have solved the issue, I had a generic function that was setting all the product collections and creating a circular reference.

Phil Whittaker