For example, I want a user to create a new fanclub for a given Team.
Obviously the teams have to be loaded into a DropDownList so they are chosen from a pre-set choice group. The list of teams are returned from a database.
As of now I'm doing things like this:
//FindAll() returns IQueryable<Team>
var Teams = teamsRepo.FindAll().AsEnumarable();
myDropDownList.DataTextField = "Name";
myDropDownList.DataValueField = "ID";
myDropDownList.DataSource = Teams;
Unfortunately when doing things this way I have no strongly typed attributes, so there is a risk of misspelling the ValueField or TextField.
There is also a problem when trying to get the selected value of the DropDownList. Using the following code, everything is saved with ID 1 regardless of what team was chosen.
fansite.IDTeam = myDropDownList.SelectedIndex;
Any suggestions on how to improve?