



What technologies do you use for web application development? I'm presenting my approach and tools that I have been used as an example:

  • Graphics Design (Adobe Photoshop)
  • HTML Coding (Dreamweaver)
  • Server side programming (Apache, PHP, MySQL, Smarty)
  • Client side programming (JavaScript, Flash)

I have not been creating web apps for a few years now and I think I'm a bit behind from the state of the art. Please share with your experience.

+1  A: 

Graphics Design: GIMP
HTML Coding: I use vi, the rest of the group uses whatever they prefer
Server Side: Eclipse and/or RAD (Java Spring)
Client-side: We use a lot of DWR, and have the Eclipse plug-in for it (DWR, Javascript)

In the past, I have used the LAMP stack, but for enterprise apps, we lean Java.

John Biazo
+1  A: 

I use the same general skillset, except I live on the Microsoft side of the fence, which means Visual Studio 2008, SQL 2005/2008, and IIS 7.

The only area where I feel a little shaky is the Photoshop side. I would like to be able to whip up some quick gradient buttons whenever I want, but I rely on others for that.

Which is fine really. You have to specialize to some degree.

I am starting to probe things like Silverlight 2. But it seems like another paradign shift as far as data access goes.

Brian MacKay
+2  A: 

I use pretty much the .NET technology stack.

  • Graphics Design: Paint.NET
  • HTML Coding: Previously used notepad++ but have just started using Expression Web 2.0 and it is pretty nice.
  • Server Side: .NET 3.5, ASP.NET MVC, nHibernate
  • Client Size: jQuery / Javascript
pretty much the same here (probably all .NET shops run similar setups) except I use VS2008 for the HTML stuff.

You list PHP as your server scripting language, you might want to look into some of the frameworks that are out there:


It's always good to use a framework (prevents you from re-inventing the wheel).

If you're more into building content heavy sites than I recommend looking into Drupal. They say it's a CMS but I consider it more an application framework with CMS features.

  • Graphics Design: GIMP, but at the more professional places Photoshop CS3 always prevails
  • HTML Coding: Editplus, Firebug for rapid dev and I wouldn't trust IDE generated code *at all**
  • Server Side: .NET 2, C#, XSLT, postgres
  • Client-side: my own javascript library, mootools for ani, jquery where suitable

*really really not at all

(big love for cakephp if I'm not in .net)

Amen to not trusting IDE generated code.

Long ago I fell deep into the minimalist mindset.

  • Code: Notepad (or Notepad++), gedit
  • Graphics: Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape
  • Server Side: Python, PHP, XML, MySQL
+1  A: 

My web development stack looks as follows:

  • GIMP - graphics works. GIMP is powefull, open source and easy to use and learn.
  • PHP Designer - IDE of choice for doing web development. I use it for HTML, CSS, PHP and javascript coding
  • XAMPP - LAMP stack of choice for both linux and win development. Easy to install, it comes with all the goodies needed (XDebuh, PhpMyAdmin ...). I only configure the MySQL database to store all its data internally in UTF-8.
  • Firefox with Firebug plugin
  • Internet Explorer 6 and 7
  • PHPUnit for PHP unit testing
  • .NET 3.5 SDK , C#, Nunit and Watin for doing automated user interface testing
  • Cruise Control.NET for continous integration
  • SVN with TortuiseSVN for Source Control
  • Mantis for issue tracking
  • MediaWiki for project documentation
  • VMWare for creating and running project specific virtual machines
Nikola Stjelja

For JavaScript try Aptana Studio: it's available as an Eclipse plugin or a stand alone app (uses Eclipse core anyway). I don't know how I survived without it.

The Link


I develop for tomcat using on OSX...
