



How can I encrypt the source code of PHP Files? I have used some proprietary software which have their source code encrypted. Plus the encryption code also makes the execution faster. How can this be done?

+1  A: 

I would suggest Zend after using it for a while :)

you can read more on GnuPG here:

+1  A: 

If you care about unbreakable solution that will not allow your customers to see the source code of the application use ionCube. It provides the best security... It costs some money, but there are services that encrypts single scripts with that, so if your application is not so big, then it's a good solution...

Hey `user427484` - what about accepting my answer before they will close your question ;)
Unbreakable? Really? Says who? Are you a salesman for the company.
Kieran Allen
It's just what I've heard.. of course nothing is really unbreakable, but I remember few forums topics about how to break ionCube and get the source code in some friendly form - all answers was always "no, you can not"... So if you do not mind.. please remove your downvotes, you minus me just because I was trying not to offend user427484 intelligence - I just believe that he now that nothing is really unbreakable...
Wow, I ask one simple question and I get -2'ed. Thanks Ł, for your answer. Beyond my wrong choice of words I don't think I did anything wrong in asking this question. Oh. and yes, I too have heard there are unbreakable solutions.
Raj Sekharan
P.s: I was user427484
Raj Sekharan