



The expected order of HttpApplication methods is:

  1. Application_Start
  2. Init
  3. Application_BeginRequest
  4. Application_AuthenticateRequest
  5. (page life cycle)
  6. Application_EndRequest

I'm passing through a situation, which throws absolutely no exception, in which, after the Init, it goes directly to ApplicationEndRequest. It doesn't call Application_BeginRequest neither initiates the page life cyle.

What do I do?


Sorry, I think there's something wrong with my Visual Studio installation. Even though it didn't stop, an exception has been thrown. The exception has to do with request validation (there was a '&' character in the URL). The problem is that I explicitly configured it to not validate page requests at WebConfig.

I'm gonna reinstall VS, it's behaving strange. The add-in recording, for instance, is not working.
