Why does this code not work for Flash 10?:
//Import the classes needed to transform the color
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.geom.Transform;
//A starting amount to tint the image
redamount = 0;
//Is the image getting more red or more blue?
goingred = true;
//Run at the start of each frame
onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
//if going red is set to true, set the color transform to tint the image more red
if (goingred) {
//otherwise, it is getting more blue
} else {
//the boundaries. If a limit (0 or 64) has been reached, flip from going red to going blue
if (redamount == 0 || redamount == 64) {
goingred = !goingred;
//Declare a new ColorTransform object
var colorTrans:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
//Set the red offset to the specified amount. Higher is stronger
colorTrans.redOffset = redamount;
//when the red offset is low, the blue offset is high, and vice versa.
colorTrans.blueOffset = 64-redamount;
//Create a new Transform object. This is attached to the movieclip 'tintedimage'
var trans:Transform = new Transform(this);
//apply the color transform to the transform object
trans.colorTransform = colorTrans;