I am moving from jQuery to MooTools (for the fun..) and I have this line of code :
$subMenus = $headMenu.find('li ul.sub_menu:visible');
How I can write this in mootools?
I know that I can use getElements but How I can check for visible ul?(I am using this(:visible) selector a lot).
Edit -
I implemented my own function :
function findVisibleElements(elementsCollection){
var returnArray = [];
if(el.getStyle('display') === 'block'){
return returnArray;
And what i want is to slide up all the visible sub menu, this is what I wrote :
// Sliding up the visible sub menus
if( visibleSubMenus.length > 0 ){
var slider = new Fx.Slide(el, {duration: 2000});
Why my code isn`t working?My function is working, and the problem is with the Fx.Slide.
I added mootools more with Fx.Slide.