The purely LINQ way that occurs is to group by name, select distinct groups by key, then select based on that.
from i in user
group new {i.ID, i.Country, i.DateRecord} by i.Name into byNmGp
select byNmGp.First();
Another way is to define a helper class:
private class MyRecord : IEquatable<MyRecord>
public int ID;
public string Name;
public string Country;
public DateTime DateCreated;
public bool Equals(MyRecord other)
return Name.Equals(other.Name);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is MyRecord && Equals((MyRecord)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return Name.GetHashCode();
var items = (from i in user select new MyRecord {i.ID, i.Name, i.Country, i.DateRecord}).Distinct();
This simply defines distinct differently. Performance will differ by whether the query provider can interpret that definition of equality or not. Convenience will differ based on whether you've similar LINQ queries doing much the same thing or not.