Hello, i am using YUI 3.1 Library from Yahoo and also the TextExpander to let a TextArea to grow up when a user type.
The code below initialize the TextArea:
YUI({gallery: 'gallery-2010.03.23-17-54'
}).use("node", 'gallery-text-expander', function(Y) {
It's work perfectly but now i have a question in this scenario:
1) The user type, the TextArea grow up for many rows and then the message is post to the server.
2) After the post, i clean the TextArea with $('myTextArea').value=''
but it's not shrink as expected and still have many rows when in real must back to the original size.
I notice inside the code of the TextExpander (http://yuilibrary.com/gallery/buildtag/text-expander/gallery-2010.03.23-17-54) exist a method called "shrink_area
" but how i can call this method
(i know is a wrong line of code but i need to obtain something like this) or what is the best way ?
Thanks in advance for the suggestions and tips.