My 1st table would be port which has columns status,destination,ferry that i wish to insert My 2nd table would be users which has columns Username that i wish to insert
How would i use insert statement and insert all these columns in table Booking?
private static final String DATABASE_CREATE =
"create table user (_id integer primary key autoincrement, "
+ "Username text not null, Password text not null,"
+ "LastName text not null, FirstName text not null);";
private static final String DATABASE_CREATE_2 =
"create table port (_id integer primary key autoincrement, "
+ "status text null, destination text null,"
+ "arrival text null, ferry text null);";
private static final String DATABASE_CREATE_3 =
"create table booking (_id integer primary key autoincrement, "
+ "ArrivalTime text null, Destination text null,"
+ "user text null, ferry text null);";
Thank you.