I've created a rename batch file and it takes 3 arguments and renames files inside a folder
The batch file script is
@echo off&set /a cnt=1
set arg1=%1
set arg2=%2
set arg3=%3
for %%a in (%arg1%\%arg2%) do call :PROCESS "%%a"
goto :EOF
rename %1 %arg3%%cnt%.*
set /a cnt+=1
Eg syntax is:
rename.bat e:\ranks\Ranks *.gif ren_
arg1: e:\ranks\Ranks
arg2: *.gif (rename only .gif files)
arg3: ren_ (prefix txt to be added to every file)
Now i want to get option frm the user abt whether he has to add prefix or postpix along with the txt.. How can i proceed after this?