D6 Prof.
We have a special application with a special grid. It have a HintWindow what can show other informations that cannot place in cells. For example long memos. When you move the mouse to a cell, it is waiting for 2 sec, and show the informations.
The problem of this theme that HintWindow is not working properly, or in same way that normal "Hints" do.
Normal hints are appearing, and they are disappearing in these cases: - the hint showing time ellapsed - the the active form is deactivated - a new form shown - application replaced by another task (ALT + TAB)
But our HintWindow is cannot detect that new form showing, or application changed - it is remaining on the top, while until disapp. time... :-(
Another problem that we used "MouseMove" to detect the mouse changing - to start the Hint.
This event is happens also if the HintWindow disappears. So I need to protect against cyclic show with this code:
procedure TForm1.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
Caption := INtTOStr(X) + ' ' + IntToStr(Y) + ' ' + IntToStr(GetTickCount);
// If same coordinate I don't show it again
if (LX <> X) or (LY <> Y) then begin
miHint.DoActivateHint(Self, 'Anytext', 2000, 2000);
LX := X; LY := Y;
Without this LX, LY the HintWindow cyclically appears and dissappears.
So: we need to know how we make a HintWindow that is working in same method like application "Hint", but limited into this grid. It must close on "task change", "form change". How to do it?
THanks for your help: dd