I'm filling a drop-down list using the following:
var columnNames = db.Mapping.MappingSource.GetModel(typeof(StaffDirectoryDataContext))
I'm then converting that to a List<String>
to populate a drop down list.
I then want to be able to get a set of results based on the user's selection. For example, if they select "First name" from the drop down list and type "Bob" into the text box I want to run a LINQ query where first name = bob.
I'm probably being thick but I can't find a way! Pseudo code would be...
var q = from x in dc.Persons
where x.[selected column name] == [textbox value]
select x;
Can anybody help? Essentially I have the column name as a String value, and I can't figure out how to tell the LINQ query that that's the column to filter on!
Could do this in ADO.NET with my eyes closed, but determined to use LINQ all the way!!
Thanks in advance.