




I would like to protect a jsp page with a password that needs to be typed.

In apache i can add a password file to .htaccess but I don't know how to do that in apache tomcat.


+1  A: 

Complete information is here Apache Tomcat 6 Realm Configuration HOWTO.

The easiest way is to use the MemoryRealm to define the user (name, password and role) in tomcat-users.xml and define the resources you want to protect in your application web.xml.

+2  A: 

So, you basically want to put HTTP BASIC authentication on the particular JSP page? Here's a step by step:

  1. First you need to declare the desired rolename, username and password in /conf/tomcat-users.xml.

        <role rolename="yourrole"/>
        <user username="yourname" password="yourpass" roles="yourrole" />

    (you can append as many <role> and <user> entries as you want; if there are already existing entries, then you just add them inside <tomcat-users>).

  2. Then you need to declare the desired security constraint on the url-pattern of the JSP file along with a login config of BASIC (which stands for HTTP BASIC authentication).

            <web-resource-name>A JSP page</web-resource-name>

    The /page.jsp should match the context-relative URL of the JSP page. The yourrole should be the same as the rolename as definied in /conf/tomcat-users.xml.

Restart the server, open the JSP page in the browser and use yourname and yourpass to login.
