Or you could use a regular expression:
string data = "SELECT [t0].[Id], [t0].[CODE] AS [arg0], [t0].[DESC] AS [arg1] FROM [SchemaName].[TableName] AS [t0] WHERE ([t0].[Id] <> @p0)";
Regex re = new Regex(@"FROM ((\[\w+\]\.?){2}) AS");
Match m = re.Match(data);
if (m.Success){ Console.WriteLine(m.Groups[1]); }
Or if you don't want to include the brackets:
string data = "SELECT [t0].[Id], [t0].[CODE] AS [arg0], [t0].[DESC] AS [arg1] FROM [SchemaName].[TableName] AS [t0] WHERE ([t0].[Id] <> @p0)";
Regex re = new Regex(@"FROM \[(\w+)\]\.\[(\w+)\]\ AS");
Match m = re.Match(data);
if (m.Success){ Console.WriteLine("{0}.{1}", m.Groups[1], m.Groups[2]); }