



I have some processes that run without an HttpContext in an ASP.NET MVC web application. This process needs to be able to determine the physical path to the Contents directory of the application for reading/writing data. But, since it is without an HttpContext, I don't get to use fancy things like Server.MapPath and such. Suggestions?

+3  A: 

The best way to do this is using the AppDomain.BaseDirectory property. As long as you don't fiddle with custom application domains, it will point to your root application directory. In other words; these two string would be the same:

string mapUsingAppDomain = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Contents");
string mapUsingServer = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Contents");
Thank you kind sir
In a website, it is preferred to use `HttpRuntime.AppDomainPath`, which is guaranteed to return the correct path. But driis is right, I can think of very few cases where these methods may return something different.
+1  A: 

In a website, it is best to use HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, because in certain moments of the execution path (i.e. when the site starts up), there's no HttpContext.Current available.

See also this post.

Why is HttpRuntime.AppDomainPath better than AppDomain.BaseDirectory?`
Because of its semantics. When you are inside the HttpRuntime, it is better to ask the runtime the correct path, instead of poking around yourself. Also, it makes your code more readable and your intends clearer. Finally, implementations may change, but even in that case, HttpRuntime will still return the correct path and AppDomain will not (same may apply to the rare case where you have started a separated AppDomain).
Thanks. I edited above because it is actually AppDomainAppPath not AppDomainPath (at least on .NET4)
@Matt: thanks for the edit, you are right about the typo (and it's in all versions of .NET ;-)