I have images to overlay on google maps by using checkboxes. I made this script to not create the separate individual script for each overlay but it returns the error of proprty not supported in main.js of google maps api. However, i tried getting the output value in javascript alert and it returns the values as expected. Could anyone help please?
Here is the script.
function shImg(url,lat,lng) {
var lat_ = "new GLatLng(" + lat + ")";
var lng_ = "new GLatLng(" + lng + ")";
var latlng = lat_ + ", " + lng_;
var ticked_ = document.getElementById(url);
var boundaries_ = "new GLatLngBounds(" + latlng + ")";
var imgurl_ = "http://www.mywebsite.com/" + url + ".jpg";
imageOverlay_ = new GGroundOverlay(imgurl_, boundaries_);
if (!ticked_.checked) {
// imageOverlay_=null;
else {
} }