



I am trying to create a device report for CSS 3, HTML 5, JavaScript support and video codecs for iPhone, Android, WebOS and Blackberry to ascertain what range of handsets to offer support to.

I am trying to figure out the availability on various handsets/os's/browsers for mobiles of:

  • and tags on those handsets

  • list of codecs required for playbackfor each platforms eg. iphone - h.264, android - vp8

  • whether tag can support streamed data and if so on which platforms

  • device specific JavaScript events for actions such as touch, swipe, pinch, etc.

  • device specific HTML 5 support e.g. video, audio, localStorage, canvas, geolocation,

  • device specific CSS 3 support e.g. selector support, text-transformations (eg. text shadow) transition and animation effects, box enhancements (eg. rounded corners, box shadow

Any comments on any of these points or sources of this information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.