This is a direct answer to the question, except for the Parallel.For
It really is a horrible pattern; you should probably be using a proper synchronization mechanism, and get the worker threads to, without preemption, occasionally check if they need to 'back off.'
In addition, this uses Thread.Suspend
and Thread.Resume
which are both deprecated, and with good reason (from Thread.Suspend):
"Do not use the Suspend and Resume methods to synchronize the activities of threads. You have no way of knowing what code a thread is executing when you suspend it. If you suspend a thread while it holds locks during a security permission evaluation, other threads in the AppDomain might be blocked. If you suspend a thread while it is executing a class constructor, other threads in the AppDomain that attempt to use that class are blocked. Deadlocks can occur very easily."
public class Worker
private readonly Thread[] _threads;
private readonly object _locker = new object();
private readonly TimeSpan _tooFastSuspensionSpan;
private DateTime _lastSuspensionTime;
public Worker(int numThreads, TimeSpan tooFastSuspensionSpan)
_tooFastSuspensionSpan = tooFastSuspensionSpan;
_threads = Enumerable.Repeat(new ThreadStart(DoWork), numThreads)
.Select(ts => new Thread(ts))
public void Run()
foreach (var thread in _threads)
private void DoWork()
while (!IsWorkComplete())
// Do work here
catch (TooFastException)
private void SuspendAll()
lock (_locker)
// We don't want N near-simultaneous failures causing a sleep-duration of N * _tooFastSuspensionSpan
// 1 second is arbitrary. We can't be deterministic about it since we are forcefully suspending threads
var now = DateTime.Now;
if (now.Subtract(_lastSuspensionTime) < _tooFastSuspensionSpan + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
_lastSuspensionTime = now;
var otherThreads = _threads.Where(t => t.ManagedThreadId != Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId).ToArray();
foreach (var otherThread in otherThreads)
foreach (var otherThread in otherThreads)