




Hello, i would like to buy and study a good book that explains deeply all Microsoft DotNet internals (CLR,CTS,etc).

Can you suggest me some titles?

Thanks and greetings ! c.

+13  A: 

Great book:


@Ardman - +1 - you beat me to the punch :-)
Argh, not only did you beat me to it, but with a more up-to-date link as well! +1 sir!
Simon Steele
@Simon Steele: (et al) The 3rd ed update is well worth the the money - the 3 Concurrency chapters at the end are gold
Ruben Bartelink
+1  A: 

The CLR via C# book already recommended is great. Doug Stewart has another good list of CLR internals books:


That collection should cover more than you ever wanted to know about CLR!

Simon Steele
+1  A: 

Well, the CLRs Language is IL Assembler, so there's only one choice really if you want to understand the CLR and not only the "CLR's surface level" as covered by the Richter Book.

Serge Lidin: Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler

I have read both books and can recommend both. The Assembler book is certainly harder to read and, if you're not about to build a compiler, probably uninteresting. If you're only interested in the surface level (which is useful enough anyway) the Richter Book is perfect for you.

In terms of understanding how the CLR is actually implemented, I'd recommend taking a look at the SSCLI implementation of the CLR or at Mono's.

Johannes Rudolph