In an earlier question I asked how to initialize a Perl hash using slices. It is done like this:
my %hash = ();
my @fields = ('currency_symbol', 'currency_name');
my @array = ('BRL','Real');
@hash{@fields} = @array;
Now let's imagine a more complex hash, and here is how it is initialized:
my %hash = ();
my $iso = 'BR';
$hash->{$iso}->{currency_symbol} = 'BRL';
$hash->{$iso}->{currency_name} = 'Real';
print Dumper($hash);
This results in the following:
$VAR1 = {
'BR' => {
'currency_symbol' => 'BRL',
'currency_name' => 'Real'
Now the question would be: how to initialize this particular hash using the splice method?