




I want to set up a gridview that will display data like this

WeekEndingDate Project Category Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat
8/14/2010      proj1   test     2   1   2    3   2   1   0 
8/21/2010      proj1   test     0   2   2    2   2   1   0 
8/28/2010      proj1   test     0   1   2    0   0   0   0 

and that allows editing.

Is it possible to have multiple update statements when editing from the gridview? Each day will need a separate update state since the data will be stored in the database like this

Project   Category   Date       Hours
Proj1     test       8/2/2010   2
Proj1     test       8/3/2010   8
Proj1     test       8/4/2010   4
Proj1     test       8/5/2010   3
Proj1     test       8/6/2010   5

Or would another control such as listview allow this?