





I have a design and Myriad Pro is required. This isn't a problem. The issue is that in Photoshop they have used 'Bold Condensed'. I am not sure what this is called, I think it is one of the varients of Myriad Pro. What is the best way to emulate this on a website?


+1  A: 

The 100% guaranteed way is to render it to an image.

CSS3 supports font-face but this will not give you wide support.

  font-family: 'Myriad Pro';
  src: url('Myriad-Pro.ttf');

You will also need to check legal agreements to see if they allow embedding this font in your pages.

Developer Art
That won't work in IE, which wants an .eot file.
You're probably right. I am yet to try this one out... when it is widely supported.
Developer Art
+4  A: 

FontSquirrel is your best resource. Their "@font-face generator" creates code that will work with all the modern browsers.

What they do is well-explained but behind the scenes it's pretty complicated. You can read up on the CSS aspects on Paul Irish's blog.


I just realized that nobody has answered your real question...

1.) Myriad Pro is a family of fonts, implemented as a collection of files, with names like Myriad Pro.otf, Myriad Pro Bold.otf, and so forth. (The actual names are OS-specific.) Myriad Pro Bold Condensed is one of those files. I don't know if it comes with the standard package or whether it costs extra.

2.) You cannot "emulate" this. You can either use the actual font on your webpage (via the @font-face embedding method described above), or create a graphic. The designers probably expect you to create graphics, because designers [tirade deleted] when it comes to implementation.

3.) As has been pointed out, embedding supposedly requires an appropriate license, and I don't know you can get such a license for this particular face. ("Supposedly", because [tirade deleted], but I'm not a lawyer.)

+1  A: 

You could also try Shaun Inman's sIFR3, although CSS3 is likely to be the better alternative.
