



Iam having a headache trying to find a solution to my problem. I have a login screen on my window application so that when the user is logged in, he/ she can do what she wants in that view. In that view, i inserted a button to flip to another view (SecondViewController). I wanted the SecondViewController to have the TabBars. i successfully created the tab bars to that view in programming but i wanted to do it in Interface Builder. Just to remind you that my application is view based application not a tab Bar App and "applicationdid finishlaunching" is already used by the login view controller. i read a lot of threads and i couldn´t find any clue to my problem.

summary : SecondViewController has TabBars where when u press each Tab, a blank view is shown.

Since iam new to iphone programming world, i would be really thankful for you if you provide step by step with code.

Solved: I will post a tutorial regarding how i solved it really soon ;-)