I have a rather large PathGeometry (over 100,000 points and stroked but not filled) to display for the user, but only a small portion of the path will be visible at any one time. To clarify, the path itself is not predetermined but will be created from data.
The problem: I want to provide very smooth panning so the user can explore areas of the larger path.
I have a possible solution but I'm not sure how to pull it off. I'd like to use a tiling technique--split the geometry into tiles and only load the visible tiles.
So, how do split a stroke-only path geometry into tiles. More specifically, how do I determine the portion of the path that exists in a given rectangular tile?
I know I can use a CombinedGeometry to determine the intersect between the path geometry and a rectangle, but that will include the "walls" of the rectangle (which will be stroked). Is there a better way to tile a stroke-only PathGeometry?