
Create a realtional database in SQLite:


groups (id, name)

id - prikary key
name - name of a group

group_names (id, group_id, name)

id - prikary key
group_id references groups.id; this column should also have an index
name - name like "jim", "blake"

Is name order relevant?

no name order isnt relevant.. but with a sqlite database (which is what im using for DATABASE1) it has to be hard coded into the program (doesnt it?).. is that the fastest way of working with a large amount of data? and also how do i go about checking for the subset after ive created my sql database for the groups and their corresponding list of names in each?
1. What is an initial state of DATABASE1? Is it empty or already filled with data? 2. Any operations of retreiving data require basic knowledge of SQL.
1) DATABASE1 is initially empty however it wont be compared to DATASET1 until the user inputs names.. 2) and well it looks like im going to have to learn something new.. i literally started programming like 2 weeks ago but i'd say ive amassed quite a bit of android programming in that time.. where should i start/what specifically do i need to learn to accomplish what i need to do?