



I am trying to use InternetGetCookie in order to retrieve cookies from IE. The problem I have is that sometimes in a cookie file there may be 2 or even 3 different cookies but InternetGetCookie always retrieves the data associated with only the first cookie. I tried calling InternetGetCookie twice in a row for the same cookie url but it all it does is two retrieve the first cookie data twice. Thanks!


InternetGetCookie returns all cookies separated by ';' symbol.

I am afraid id does not: I have tested InternetGetCookie and it only retrieves the first cookie.

Where (what process) is your code running in? What do you mean when you when you say "same cookie url"?

Some notes:

  • InternetGetCookie will not return HTTPOnly cookies by default
  • InternetGetCookie will return only persistent cookies and session cookies from the current process. It does not see session cookies from other processes.
  • On Vista+, InternetGetCookie will not return cookies from Protected Mode processes

EricLaw -MSFT-