




I have two instances of a WCF service exposing NetTcpBinding endpoints in the application tier, which are consumed by the application tier (heavy traffic website). I need to load balanced these instances under a single VIP. Considering the tcpNet connection pooling, it is recommended to configure the load-balancer as sticky IP, and lowering the LeaseTimeOut and IdleTimeout properties of the tcp binding. I am using NLB on Windows server 2008. How could this guaranty a load balanced environment ? in my case it is not! I have two client boxes that are hitting the VIP and each of those is routed to the same server on every call! I can't understand how could those tcp connection properties (LeaseTimeOut and IdleTimeout) could impact a load balancer that is configured as sticky IP! Any thoughts? Generally how are people doing this ? shall I just turn off pooling ?


Robert Broomandan