I'm trying to generate a Primary Interop Assembly for one of my projects that references Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (MDAC 2.8). Adding this library through the References dialog box in Visual Studio adds the Interop.ADOR.dll file to the bin directory of the solution.
However, when I run tlbimp.exe I get the error:
C:\Solution> tlbimp Component.dll /out: My.Interop.Component.dll /keyfile:myKeyFile
.snk /primary
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Type Library to Assembly Converter 3.5.30729.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
TlbImp : error TI0000 : System.ApplicationException - Referenced type library 'A
DOR' does not have a primary interop assembly registered.
I was unable to find anything online, which is odd. Any ideas?