I am a java programmer and planning to take up a DB2 certification. Please advice on which books to prefer.
If you really want to learn about DB2, or any IBM product, you should head on over to the RedBooks site and do a search for DB2. IBM spends absolute bucketloads of money sending their employees on residencies to get these babies published.
They also offer trials of some of their software. The DB2 Express-C edition is free (just click on the "Proceed without an IBM ID" if you don't want to register) although I'm not sure how closely this matches the DB2/LUW version.
2010-08-25 07:25:04
Also, IBM's technical library has exam preparation tutorials. I assume you are gonna do DB2 Fundamentals (Exam 730), so http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/offers/lp/db2cert/db2-cert730.html?S_TACT=105AGX19&S_CMP=db2cert
2010-08-27 15:05:59