I have 2 databases with the same data, but slightly different data types in some fields (eg SQLite DB has TEXT where MySQL DB has varchar(50))
I run the following query:
FROM audio a,
audiocodec ac,
fileproperties f,
transportstream t,
transportservice ts,
video v,
videocontent vct,
videoFrameRate vf,
videocodec vc
f.PK_filename = a.filename
AND a.codec = ac.PK_audioCodecID
AND f.PK_filename = a.filename
AND f.PK_filename = t.filename
AND t.services = ts.PK_serviceID
AND f.PK_filename = v.filename
AND v.content = vct.PK_contentID
AND v.frameRate = vf.PK_frameRateID
AND v.codec = vc.PK_videoCodecID
Done in the MySQL DB, I get 10 results as expected. In SQLite, 2 results. Any reasons? (I understand that this maybe difficult to answer be not specifying the datatypes and constraints I have made with the tables)