I want to extract 'James\, Brown' from the string below but I don't always know what the name will be. The comma is causing me some difficuly so what would you suggest to extract James\, Brown?
OU=James\, Brown,OU=Test,DC=Internal,DC=Net
I want to extract 'James\, Brown' from the string below but I don't always know what the name will be. The comma is causing me some difficuly so what would you suggest to extract James\, Brown?
OU=James\, Brown,OU=Test,DC=Internal,DC=Net
If the format is always the same:
string line = GetStringFromWherever();
int start = line.IndexOf("=") + 1;//+1 to get start of name
int end = line.IndexOf("OU=",start) -1; //-1 to remove comma
string name = line.Substring(start, end - start);
Forgive if syntax is not quite right - from memory. Obviously this is not very robust and fails if the format ever changes.
A quite brittle way to do this might be...
string name = @"OU=James\, Brown,OU=Test,DC=Internal,DC=Net";
string[] splitUp = name.Split("=".ToCharArray(),3);
string namePart = splitUp[1].Replace(",OU","");
I wouldn't necessarily advocate this method, but I've just come back from a departmental Christmas lyunch and my brain is not fully engaged yet.
A regex is likely your best approach
static string ParseName(string arg) {
var regex = new Regex(@"^OU=([a-zA-Z\\]+\,\s+[a-zA-Z\\]+)\,.*$");
var match = regex.Match(arg);
return match.Groups[1].Value;
If the slash is always there, I would look at potentially using RegEx to do the match, you can use a match group for the last and first names.
That RegEx will match names that include characters only, you will need to refine it a bit for better matching for the non-standard names. Here is a RegEx tester to help you along the way if you go this route.
You can use a regex:
string input = @"OU=James\, Brown,OU=Test,DC=Internal,DC=Net";
Match m = Regex.Match(input, "^OU=(.*?),OU=.*$");
I'd start off with a regex to split up the groups:
Regex rx = new Regex(@"(?<!\\),");
String test = "OU=James\\, Brown,OU=Test,DC=Internal,DC=Net";
String[] segments = rx.Split(test);
But from there I would split up the parameters in the array by splitting them up manually, so that you don't have to use a regex that depends on more than the separator character used. Since this looks like an LDAP query, it might not matter if you always look at params[0], but there is a chance that the name might be set as "CN=". You can cover both cases by just reading the query like this:
String name = segments[0].Split('=', 2)[1];
That looks suspiciously like an LDAP or Active Directory distinguished name formatted according to RFC 2253/4514.
Unless you're working with well known names and/or are okay with a fragile hackaround (like the regex solutions) - then you should start by reading the spec.
If you, like me, generally hate implementing code according to RFCs - then hope this guy did a better job following the spec than you would. At least he claims to be 2253 compliant.
Replace \, with your own preferred magic string (perhaps & #44;), split on remaining commas or search til the first comma, then replace your magic string with a single comma.
i.e. Something like:
string originalStr = @"OU=James\, Brown,OU=Test,DC=Internal,DC=Net";
string replacedStr = originalStr.Replace("\,", ",");
string name = replacedStr.Substring(0, replacedStr.IndexOf(","));
Console.WriteLine(name.Replace(",", ","));