




I am trying to generate background colors for multiple tables that are contained withing a {section} ... {/section} block, but if I don't give names to the {cycle} functions, the cycle is continued, not restarted the next time it is encountered. The same problem occurs when I use named cycles and the same named cycle repeats in a section.


{section name=i loop=$tables}
        {section name=j loop=$tables[i].data}
           <tr class="{cycle name=bgcolor values='odd_row,even_row'}">

How can I get the {cycle} to reset its self on each iteration of {section name=j}? Is it possible to compose names in Smarty? (use something like {cycle name=bgcolor.$i})

Note: I have the same issue on another page which is included multiple times in a single .tpl and every time it shows a table, the background color cycle continues from where it left instead of resetting its self. I understand this is normal behavior (since there is no way for Smarty to know where my cycle begins), but I would like to change it.


Used reset=true like this:

{section name=i loop=$tables}
        {cycle name=bgcolor print=false reset=true values='odd_row,even_row'}
        {section name=j loop=$tables[i].data}
            <tr class="{cycle name=bgcolor values='odd_row,even_row'}">