So something I've been doing recently is adding an additional project to my code solutions and doing my post build stuff programmatically in it. This project builds last and then launches itself.
cool stuff I can do there is run an ILMerge automation class I created to perform merges automatically if i just give it a project folder, increment version numbers in my assembly info, copy files where-ever i want, etc etc etc. It seems to me like the possibilities here are endless.
example of one im working with now -- i've got a fairly large framework library that i'm going to be deploying with one of our applications, but obv we dont want to include all the dlls separately (there are like 20). Also i dont need every class in the library for this application, so it makes sense to trim it down. Sooo in the library's post build project, I'm doing this...
outputDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(@"...postbuildmerges\output");
solutionDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(@"...mainSolutionDirectory");
#region Web Lib
List<string> webLibraryNames = new List<string>
List<string> AllNeededAssemblies = new List<string>();
webLibraryNames.ForEach((libname) =>
foreach (string assembly in GetLibraryAssemblies(libname))
if (AllNeededAssemblies.Exists((assemblyName) => Path.GetFileName(assemblyName) == Path.GetFileName(assembly)) == false)
@"...path to primary assembly...",
"...desired output file...",
//merges xml documentation
soooo is this post-build project thing a good approach? is it needlessly complicated? is there a better way? do people normally do stuff like this? blah blah blah?