I'm created table with one MEDIUMBLOB column and writing every second 2 images (16 or 32 KB) to this table. But random times i get Lost connection to MySQL server during query
. Maybe i need to tune some mysqld server params or do something different ? I tested with local and remote mysqld server and i get same error.
My code to write blob:
char *chunk = (char*)malloc(size*2+1) ;
mysql_real_escape_string(c, chunk, sendbuf, size);
char *query = (char*) malloc(size*2+5000) ;
char *stat = "INSERT INTO images(filename,image,time,timeframe) VALUES('%s','%s',NOW(),'2001-01-19 03:14:07')" ;
int len = sprintf(query, stat, x, chunk, timeframe) ;
if (mysql_real_query(c, query, len))
printf("Error %u: %s\n", mysql_errno(c), mysql_error(c));