



I have a blogpost edit page where you can either save your edits or upload an image (multiple submits in a single form). When you upload an image, the image link gets appended to a TinyMCE content area.

The fields for the form are in a viewusercontrol(shared with create page). Both the viewpage and usercontrol inherit from BlogPost so the model's being passed directly using <% Html.RenderPartial("Fields", Model); %>

So here's the weird thing; in my controller, when I append the image link to the textarea, nothing happens to the textarea in the view

On my viewpage I have a label for Model.Title and within the usercontrol I have the textbox for editing Model.Title.

If I update the label in the controller - model.Title = "New Title" - the updated model data changes for the label in the viewpage but not the textbox in the usercontrol.

My Controller is like this:

// /edit/{id}
public ViewResult Edit(int id, BlogPost model, string submit)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            switch (submit)
                case "Upload":
                    var files = UploadFiles(Request.Files); // uploading works

                    model.Content += files[0].Link; // model is updated but not cascaded at runtime
                    model.Title = "Test"; // Force a title change to reproduce the issue
                    return View(model);


        return View(model);

Any ideas as to what's causing this and how to fix it? Thanks.

  • I am using 4.0 and MVC 2

Is there any chance that there is code in the top level view that is changing the value of Model.Title before the RenderPartial is called?

Nope, the top viewpage only has the html form helper, RenderPartial and the Model.Title display.

Turns out that this behaviour is by design and has been answered by Phil Haack here:

Possible bug in ASP.NET MVC with form values being replaced.

There's also a blog post about this here:

ASP.NET MVC’s Html Helpers Render the Wrong Value!

For my scenario (appending an image to tinymce), I think it's safe to clear the ModelState because we're explicitly appending to a textarea and not doing any validation yet.
