



I am using the newest version of Selenium RC and firefox 3.5 When I run my test from eclipse I get this error XHR ERROR: Response_Code = -1 Error_Message = Request Error. Firefox and Selenium RC open up fine, it seems to try to connect to the remote site I want, but then firefox crashes, any ideas?


I'm pretty sure this is an issue fixed in trunk (and will come out in the pending 1.0.4 release). If you download 2.0a5, this includes a 1.0.x compatible Selenium server. You should be able to drop the -standalone JAR in place and have it work. If not, building from trunk is your next best bet.

Alternatively, you could try to modify the open command call. In dynamic languages, such as Ruby, this is fairly straightforward. open() takes a URL and a boolean as its values. You'll want to invert the logic for the second param (I think it's false by default, so you'll want true).
