



I want to do something like this...

return GetSession()
        .ToPagedList<Employee>(page, pageSize, 
        x=> x.SetFetchMode(DomainModelHelper.GetAssociationEntityNameAsPlural<Team>(), FetchMode.Eager));

But I don't know how to pass this Func<ICriteria,ICriteria> into the ISession or ICriteria.

I have a standard paging extension method and this extension method shall have an overload where I can pass additional ICriteria methods, so that I can additionally set up the FetchMode or something else.

Extension Method:

public static class CriteriaExtensions
    public static PagedList<T> ToPagedList<T>(this ISession session, int page, int pageSize) where T : Entity

        var totalCount = TotalCount<T>(session);

        return new PagedList<T>(session.CreateCriteria<T>()
            .SetFirstResult(pageSize * (page - 1))
            .SetMaxResults(pageSize * page)
            .Future<T>().ToList(), page, pageSize, totalCount);


    public static PagedList<T> ToPagedList<T>(this ISession session, int page, int pageSize, Func<ICriteria, ICriteria> action) where T : Entity
        var totalCount = TotalCount<T>(session);


    private static int TotalCount<T>(ISession session) where T : Entity
        return session.CreateCriteria<T>()


Without an overload it would look like this:

return GetSession()
                .SetFetchMode(DomainModelHelper.GetAssociationEntityNameAsPlural<Team>(), FetchMode.Eager)
                .ToPagedList<Employee>(page, pageSize);

Extension Method:

public static class CriteriaExtensions
    public static PagedList<T> ToPagedList<T>(this ICriteria criteria, int page, int pageSize) where T : Entity
        var copiedCriteria = (ICriteria) criteria.Clone();

        var totalCount = TotalCount(criteria);

        return new PagedList<T>(copiedCriteria
            .SetFirstResult(pageSize * (page - 1))
            .SetMaxResults(pageSize * page)
            .Future<T>().ToList(), page, pageSize, totalCount);

    private static int TotalCount(ICriteria criteria) 
        return criteria

The line var copiedCriteria = (ICriteria) criteria.Clone(); smells here, but I don't know how to change this.

Which approach would you suggest?


From my understanding, you're trying to modify the behaviour of the criteria from outside the method that creates it.

Hence you have:

public IList<T> GetPageOf<T>(int page, int pageSize, Func<ICriteria,ICriteria> modifier)
    return Session.CreateCriteria<T>()
           .SetFirstResult(pageSize * (page-1))

All you need to do to give the modifier a chance is to change the body to:

return modifer(Session.CreateCriteria<T>) //the modifer gets first dibs on the criteria
           .SetFirstResult(pageSize * (page-1))

Be aware, that changing the fetch-mode for many-to-many and many-to-one relationships in criteria that used SetFirstResult or SetMaxResults can result in the wrong number of rows being retrieved.

David Kemp
"Be aware, that changing the fetch-mode for many-to-many and many-to-one relationships in criteria that used SetFirstResult or SetMaxResults can result in the wrong number of rows being retrieved." what is an alternative way for doing this?
I got what you mean. As I understood you correctly it could be a problem when I would use inner joins, but this is not the case