Using JQuery, how do I select all elements with class x within an element with id y?
$('#y .x')
should do it for you.
note that this will select all descendants with class x, not just children.
Selecting all descendants with class x of an element with the id "y".
$("#y .x").each(function () {
$(this) <- your element
Selecting all childrens with class x of an element with the id "y".
$("#y > .x").each(function () {
$(this) <- your element
$("#x .y").doSomething();
$(".y", "#x").doSomething();
And for immediate children:
$("#x > .y").doSomething();
Have a look at my question here, it tells you a bit more and it covers performance.
Where you have element 1 with id='y' and you want all it's [immediate] children that have a class='x'
$("#y > .x").each(function(){stuff]);
If you want all decendants of id='y' (not just immediate) then you would do:
Obviously, you could make it smarter (and better) by adding element types if you know what they are. For example, if you want only children of type then:
$("#y > a.x").each(function(){stuff]);
Hope that's what you meant.