2010-08-26 08:22:43
You might want to consider Apache Solr, which is a web service encapsulation of Lucene, and runs in a J2EE container like Tomcat. You'll get term suggestion, spell check, porting, stemming and much more. It's really very nice.
See here for a full listing of its features relating to queries.
There are Django and PHP libraries for Solr.
I wouldn't recommend using Google Suggest for such a specialised corpus anyway, and with Solr you won't need it.
Hope this helps.
2010-08-26 08:30:11
+1 for Solr. You will get plenty much all you are looking for and then some.
2010-08-26 10:42:59
Thanks, for some reason I hadn't come across Solr yet. Looks really useful. Also thanks for confirming my suspicions about Google Suggest.
2010-08-26 15:07:53
Tomcat is not a J2EE container, it is just a Servlet container, although Tomcat does support some of the J2EE specification.
2010-08-26 16:16:24
BTW, for those just dipping their toes into this like me, this is from a forum thread on installing Solr on a shared host (WebFaction): "The bad news is that Solr is relatively memory hungry (Django plus Solr sent my memory usage up to 204 MB) and therefore unable to run reliably on pretty much all of the shared hosting options."
2010-08-26 16:34:28