My query is this
SELECT, C.title, C.short_description,C.rating,C.image,C.duration,C.difficulty ,
0 AS active , if(G.theme_id = 3,1,0) as orderField
FROM tblIdeas C
INNER JOIN tblIdeas_themes G on (G.Idea_id = )
AND C.category_id = 2 and C.published = 1 and C.DELETED=0 and != 4
ORDER BY active DESC , orderField DESC ,title ASC
tblideas ------ id,description , etc
tblideas_themes -------- idea_id , theme_id
tblthemes -------------id , theme_name
in tblideas_themes i have one idea with multiple themes.
I want that if idea belong to particular theme then order field should be one and if not the orderfield should be 0
The problem is i am getting duplicate rows e,g
Idea 1 ---------- with orderField 1 --as it was in that theme
Idea 1 -----------with order field 0 as ---it was also in the other theme as well
I want that there should be only one idea in the list.
If the idea belongs to more than one theme then i want get that row which belongs to that theme with orderfield =1 . but if idea does not belong to that theme , then i want to get any other row with orderfield = 0