




I am not after history of a specific file but of the whole revision tree.

+2  A: 

You want just a big list of all changelists?

At the command line:

> p4 changelists

For more detailed output:

> p4 changelists -l

To see more information on a specific changelist:

> p4 changelist [changelistnumber]
thanks for your reply. However, is there a way to see the history in some existing user interface?
Boris Lipschitz
@Boris Lipschitz the View->Submitted Changelists menu option in P4V will show you all changelists. There's a similar option in P4Win. Alternatively you can try a tool like `p4search`: http://www.eddiescholtz.com/entry/perforce-search-released
@tenpn Actually, "View -> Submitted Changelists" shows only changelists that I submitted. On the other hand, View -> History shows all changelists. I couldn't find this option in P4Win. Thanks for your help!
Boris Lipschitz
Huh. In P4V, it's completely different. History shows the submissions for a particular car. Submitted Changelists has a filter that defaults to your user name, but you can change this to any user or no user to see all submissions.

If you use P4V

View the Submitted Tab in P4V or select the root depot and view the history tab.

Toby Allen

In P4V 2009.2 (at minimum) View -> Submitted Changelists allows you to filter the list of all changelists by folder/file, user, or workspace, as shown in the screenshot below:

P4V View Submitted Changelists
